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Quality Insights QIN-QIO


Teaming Up for Change

Quality Insights collaborates with clinicians, community coalitions and patients to improve health care quality, patient safety and value, while working to reduce provider burden. We encourage you to join us as a partner in our Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) work in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Please continue on to become a member of one of our Community Coalitions.


Our Initiatives

  • Increasing quality of care coordination by:
    • Utilizing community coalitions
    • Reducing hospital admissions and readmissions
    • Reducing avoidable emergency visits

  • Improving chronic disease self-management, including:
    • Cardiac and vascular health
    • Diabetes
    • Slowing End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
    • Hypertension

  • Addressing infection control by improving immunization rates

  • Improving nursing home quality using:
  • Addressing opioid utilization and misuse
  • Increasing patient safety by addressing adverse drug events and harmful infections

Why Partner with Us?

As a partner with Quality Insights, you'll receive these benefits:

  • Free technical assistance from our health care experts

  • Access to free education, one-to-one coaching, resources and webinars for clinical and nonclinical staff, community members, patients and family members

  • Access to collaboratives that allow for networking and sharing best practices

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Ready to Get to Work?

To start work on these important projects, and to reap all the free benefits associated with being a Community Coalition LAN member (like data reports, one-on-one technical assistance, exclusive resources and expert educational webinars with CEUs), please complete the following information for participation.