Care Compare
The Care Compare website can help you compare dialysis facilities and choose the one that is right for you. If you are a patient or someone helping a patient make decisions about his or her healthcare, the Care Compare website can help you:
Locate a dialysis facility
Review the services and performance of facilities
Learn more about kidney disease and dialysis
Learn more about Medicare coverage of dialysis and transplantation
How to Use the Dialysis Facility Compare
Go to the Care Compare website.
Select a state, county, city, zip code, or name of a facility.
Select the distance you would like the search to cover.
Select the facilities about which you would like more information. If you select more than one facility, you will be able to compare the information on all you choose.
You have the option of viewing a comparison of Quality Measures by clicking on “Compare Quality.” You can then compare the percentage of patients who receive adequate dialysis and manage anemia, as well as patient survival information.