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Patient & Family Engagement

Empowering Partners for Improved Care is a Patient & Family Engagement Module that addresses three focus areas important to CMS:

  • Quality Assessment & Performance Improvement (QAPI):

    The facility’s governing body will hold monthly QAPI meetings, as is required by the ESRD Conditions for Coverage (§494.110), and include at least one patient/family representative as part of the membership. Please use the Monthly Reporting Link to report any months in which you had at least one (1) patient/family/ caregiver attend a QAPI meeting.   (Reporting periods open on the 28th of that month and close the 5th of the next month).

  • Life Plan: Facilities will utilize tools developed by the NCC designed to provide patients the opportunity to share their personal experiences, values, preferences and life goals in preparation for plan of care development. Facilities will assist patients in creating self-directed goals to add to their care plan. Please fax one example of a patient self-directed goal per month (4 months max) to 804-320-5918. DO NOT EMAIL THIS INFORMATION.

  • Peer Mentoring: Facilities will assist the Network in recruiting appropriate patients to serve as Mentors, supporting them through the training process, and pairing them with Mentees. Please use the peer mentor application form to submit patient names VIA FAX to 804-320-5918.

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