Improving Cancer Screening Rates

in Pennsylvania



Screening is the Key


Early Detection = Early Treatment = Better Outcomes

Quality Insights is leading an exciting cancer screening quality improvement effort in Pennsylvania.  We are working with physician practices across the state and have the capacity to enroll a limited number of new practices to join Quality Insights in this important initiative to improve the early detection and prevention of cancer.
We are currently focused on increasing screenings for the following cancer types:
    •  Breast cancer
    •  Cervical cancer

Quality Insights is a mission-driven non-profit organization that improves health and health care quality and equity.  Quality Insights Practice Transformation Specialists work with practices to improve breast and cervical cancer screening rates by providing onsite and virtual support to implement evidence-based interventions. 

Participation in this work creates a foundation for a practice's quality improvement efforts and prepares them for future value-based payment models.


Benefits of Participation

  • On-site or Virtual Support
  • Identification of Patients Due or Overdue for Cancer Screenings
  • Ongoing Technical Assistance
  • Patient Reminder Campaigns
  • e-Newsletters
  • EHR Assistance
  • Evidence-based Workflow Modification Assistance
  • Proven Results


Participation Requirements

  • Execute a Memorandum of Understanding/Business Associate Agreement
  • Designate an individual to act as the primary contact for Quality Insights
  • Identify a site champion for cancer screening quality improvement
  • Establish standing meetings with Quality Insights
  • Submit baseline NQF 31 (or 2372) and NQF 32 reports
  • Submit quarterly and annual NQF report
  • Complete the CDC’s Breast and Cervical Annual Clinic Data Forms
  • Participate in annual workflow screening processes within the practice
  • Complete EBI implementation plan


Project Resources


Contact Us

Quality Insights encourages your practice to join us in this important initiative.  If you are interested in these cancer screening projects, or would simply like more information, please email Sarah Toborowski or call 1.302.290.9049.

icon on wooden ball of website and internet contact us page concept on computer laptop  keyboard